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SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:37 Nigora Street, Tashkent 100091, Uzbekistan

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖1)-速報App

This second release of SimpleEnglish Фразовые глаголы includes 30 lessons covering 690 meanings and including over 6,000 sample sentences with translation into Russian. In the coming months another 20 lessons will be added increasing the phrasal verbs covered to 400+, meanings to 1,200+ and sample sentences to an unprecedented 12,000 all translated into Russian.

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖2)-速報App

SimpleEnglish Фразовые глаголы is based on extended flash cards grouped into lessons. The extended definitions and full-context sample sentences ensure complete understanding of the meanings, accompanying translation into Russian simplifies memorizing and associating and removes a need to consult a dictionary, randomized selection of test questions every time the test is generated keeps interested and intrigued, while pop-up meanings, quick search, and add-to-favorites features save time and speed up the learning progress.

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖3)-速報App

But what makes SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs truly unique are the sample sentences and flexibility; the sample sentences are based on situations and describe activities and actions from our everyday life, include the full context and can be instantly used in speech, while the test module with user-defined lessons' range will not let even the advanced learner get bored.

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖4)-速報App

SimpleEnglish Фразовые глаголы helps to master the simplest and most precise and hence most widely used vocabulary for expressing actions, situations, and feelings in English. The knowledge of phrasal verbs improves reading and speech, makes the speech sound natural, and last but not least, they are part of most standard English language exams for international students.

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖5)-速報App

As this application is primarily designed for the speakers of Russian the phrasal verb definitions are in Russian. However, the phrasal verbs are best learned through examples and SimpleEnglish Фразовые глаголы includes thousands of them for you to learn and test yourself with the app's huge test module.

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖6)-速報App

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖7)-速報App

SimpleEnglish Phrasal Verbs(圖8)-速報App